Why Every Tech Founder Should Hire a Remote Executive Assistant: 5 Benefits

As a tech executive and leader, you’re probably always looking for ways to be more efficient and productive. One way to do this is by hiring an executive assistant.
But why tech founders should hire a remote executive assistant, specifically? What benefits come with working with an EA? With so many businesses committing to remote work these days, there’s no reason the job of an executive assistant can’t also be done remotely. It’s actually preferable in many ways. Let’s explore!
5 benefits of hiring a remote executive assistant
1. Manage details more efficiently
In the tech world, business moves fast, and it can feel like a million things are happening at once (probably because they are!). As a business leader, you need to keep your organization running smoothly while keeping your head above water.
A remote executive assistant can help with that. They will act as your right-hand person, working with your team to keep everyone on the same page and providing support when you need it.
As we like to say at Headroom, if you don’t have an executive assistant, you are an executive assistant.
From scheduling meetings and planning events to communicating with clients and making travel plans, a good remote executive assistant should be able to manage the nitty-gritty details, freeing you up to focus on the big picture, i.e., attracting investors and dreaming up new ways to double your annual recurring revenue.
Having someone to manage tasks more efficiently is not just good for your brain, though. It’s also good for your employees.
For example, think of how happy and excited your remote employees will be to work for you once they’ve attended the spectacular company retreat your EA organized, instead of the one your team threw together last minute because you were all too busy raising your next round of funding. A growing company needs happy employees, and organized task management is an important part of that.
All EAs help manage organizational details more efficiently (almost like an office manager), but a remote EA can be incredibly efficient, as they don’t have to spend as much time traveling to-and-from meetings or developing personal relationships or politics within your organization.
2. Have more time to focus on important targets
You know those targets and ideas on your to-do list you haven’t had a chance to get to because you’ve been too busy, well, managing your workload? Hiring a remote EA will help you finally make time for them.
As a leader in the tech world, your time is in high demand. Your schedule is probably jam-packed with meetings, and any breaks you have are spent replying to emails or Slack messages.
If you hire a remote EA, they can handle your communications and scheduling from anywhere. Dream big! They may even be able to free up so much of your time that you’ll be able to schedule one day a week for “deep work“, a.k.a. uninterrupted time spent working on your big ideas.
Bonus: if anyone tries to schedule you on your deep work day, your EA will be the one to tactfully decline their request, reschedule and continue responding to your emails as they come in.
A remote EA service will be especially effective at doing this as they can ensure continuous service so your flow will not be interrupted if your regular EA falls sick or needs to take a personal day. Your Deep Work Wednesdays will be locked in for as long as you need them!
3. Grow and unlock opportunities
If you think the best thing an executive assistant can do is send you memos and cost you even more time, think again. Executive assistants can add a lot of value to your company: they may schedule your meetings, but they can also help you identify opportunities, find new customers, generate sales, and contribute to strategic planning.
Many are trained researchers and some have even gone to business school themselves.
For example, tech founders can hire a remote executive assistant to help you search for potential business partners or investors on Crunchbase, and follow up with new LinkedIn requests — so you don’t accidentally leave your next important investor hanging.
Take that even further. Your EA can set up a pitch meeting with said potential investor, research the investor before your meeting, and then help your c-suite organize the best points of your pitch in a coherent way. Working with an executive assistant can ultimately help you earn more revenue at a fraction of the cost.
Now that’s growth.
4. Assist you anywhere you travel
As a tech executive, you probably travel a lot for work. And you may want your EA to come with you. But it can be costly, not to mention often impossible, to bring a whole other human being around the world with you.
A remote executive assistant can support you wherever and whenever you travel — across different time zones.
- Need an Ativan when the jet lag won’t subside?
- Meet a new investor on the airplane and need someone to research them before your meeting at the hotel bar that evening?
- Arrive at the airport only to find your luggage missing?
These are all things a remote EA can help with on the fly — and more.
5. Improve work/life balance
Sure, having a remote executive assistant will automatically free up time for your personal life by making your work life more efficient and easier to manage. But, did you know EAs can also help you with personal admin tasks such as:
- Managing your personal finances, paying bills on time, and researching large purchases
- Researching venues for family gatherings and birthday parties
- Changing flight tickets and booking accommodations for your family vacations
Don’t let whatever time you have left after spending 8 hours a day growing a new startup get eaten up by personal admin work. With an EA, you can make sure that time is quality time.
Reading books with your kids, playing D&D with your oldest friends, or hang-gliding in Switzerland — even the hardest working tech founders take time to recharge.
Benefits of a remote executive assistant: conclusion
From managing organizational details more efficiently, giving you time to focus on important projects, growing and scaling your business, assisting you anywhere you travel, and improving your work-life balance, the benefits of hiring a remote executive assistant for tech founders are clear.
We might be biased, but why not start with Headroom? We’re a remote executive assistant service that offers flexible monthly memberships and continuous support throughout the EU & US. Plus, our EAs are trained to be 25% faster than traditionally trained EAs.
Read what our members say about us.